AMBER Archive (2008)

Subject: AMBER: Model of deoxyadenosine in Cornell 95 paper

From: Ilyas Yildirim (
Date: Sun Jul 13 2008 - 18:14:48 CDT

Dear All,

I am trying to reproduce some of the results of Cornell 95 paper. I
am looking for the .lib or .prepi file for the model of
deoxyadenosine they used in their paper (Figure 1 of
. I will appreciate if anyone can direct me or provide me with the
parameters they used in their calculations for the model of
deoxyadenosine. Thanks a lot.


  Ilyas Yildirim
  = Department of Physics        -                              =
  = University of Rochester      -                              =
  = 585-275-6766 (office)        - 585-267-5644 (home)          =
  =                     =

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