AMBER Archive (2007)

Subject: Re: AMBER: Installing on windows

From: David A. Case (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2007 - 23:25:28 CDT

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007, Colby C wrote:

> I downloaded g95-x86-cygwin.tgz from
> All I did was extract the files and placed them in the right directorys
> because -xvzf g95-x86-cygwin.tgz does not work.

Assuming you mean "tar -xvfz g95-x86-cygwin.tgz", this is of concern, since
it suggets you may have a corrupted file. However, your email left out
two important pieces of information:

1. What happened with the command that "does not work"?

2. What did you do *exactly* to "extract the files and placed them in the
right directorys", given that tar apparently did not work?

When things are done correctly, g95 should be in /usr/local/bin; make
sure that directory is in your $PATH, and type "configure -cygwin g95",
followed by "make install" in $AMBERHOME/src.

Be sure to be patient and careful -- as the Amber web site indicates, the
cygwin/windows version is primarily for those who already know Unix/Linux,
and for some reason need to run on Windows: " Building the Windows version is
thus somewhat more complex (not simpler) than building under other operating

...good luck...dac

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