AMBER Archive (2002)

Subject: Request for help with Antechamber

From: Nicholson, James D Mr ARO (
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 18:58:58 CDT

Hello all:

In order to derive some new atom parameters, I ran a Gaussian minimization
of my fragment with the following route command:

# RHF/6-31G* Opt Prop=(Potential,Read) Test

after the job finished, I ran antechamber with the following command:

antechamber -i gaussian.out -fi gout -o xlink.prep -fo prepi -c resp

It terminated with errors:

   Unit 10 Error on OPEN: ANTECHAMBER.ESP

   Unit 3 Error on OPEN: qout

Can anyone tell me what is causing these errors?