AMBER Archive (2000)

Subject: Re: two questions: (1)dihedral, (2) movies

From: samantha hughes (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 11:12:41 CDT

Hi Gail

> 2. What visualization package is the best for viewing AMBER
> output? I would like to view the output as still-frames,
> or a movie. (I have been using MovieMol for some
> applications, but is there something that reads AMBER
> output directly?)

I can thoroughly recommend the VMD package, which is freeware and
obtained from:

It reads many file types, including AMBER top and mdcrd/rst files
(it calls the rst files crd files though), also reads PDB files.
Animations are made very easily and beautifully. VMD is available
for many architectures.
